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                                             BOSE vs. APPLE The noise went from being a little, fuzzy to a full blow on blow up. He couldn’t get those earphones off soon enough. He quickly threw them off the ground as he grabbed his ears and covered them with his hands. Headphones are not like loudspeakers, they’re quite the opposite, they are meant for the soul user to listen to the audio. Whether you call them earphones, headphones, or AirPods, their duty is to give, the listener, better audio, and sound quality. We went to shop for a new pair of headphones and finally narrowed it down to two choices. We compared the,  “ Bose Quiet Comfort Wireless Noise Cancellation,”  to the , “Apple Over The Ear AirPod Max.”  We compared the two in regards to sound quality and noise cancellation, battery life, craftsmanship, and price. It was a hard choice because Bose is known for the quality and sound when it comes to audio. However, we love Apple products, so that’s what we had in mind, but whe


                                                      TECH-MUSIC    DON'T  LET  GO  OF  A  CLASSIC When I hear someone say,  "If you love something set it free and if it returns to you it was meant to be."  The first thought that comes to my mind is,  "That's a load of crap."   I would never think that. Especially when it comes to guitars. I owned a classic  Gibson Jimi Hendrix Flying V.  with his signature signed in gold. I sold that out of desperation...and it never came back. Then once again it happened. I owned another classic, a  Steve  Vai  guitar, the one with the handle on it, the color was all wrong, but I didn't care. I just thought it was cool. Well, coolness had to go. That, like  The Flying V.   never came back to me. Now, decades later, the price on both those guitars had ballooned to astronomical figures. As different as these two guitars are aesthetically, the sound was were it was at.  Either one of these guitars could melt the paint off


                                                                                                                             GET  THE RIGHT TEC PRODUCTS Dale walked into his office disheveled with a crocked tie and uncombed hair. He was running late so he had to get dressed in his car and didn't have time to comb his hair. Everyone at the office turned to stare at him as he walked down the hall, he just looked down focused on the floor while hurrying to his office. A fellow employee stuck his head into his office, "Forgot about the most important meeting of the year? Big mistake." He was not only missing his deadlines, but also he was showing up late, forgeting meetings, and his messy desk was just another sign of his extreme exhibit of not being able to communicate with others. Having the right tech products can make a huge difference in your life, whether you're using them for work, communication, or entertainment. The right tech products can help you be more produc