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Would you keep collecting coins to the point of having to lose your home? For numerous years, humans have been collecting coins. Some of the first coin collectors were kings, queens, and emperors, and now centuries later some of the social elite, and the middle class, different members of the population have collected coins for a variety of reasons. For some people in modern times collecting has been a hobby, some coin collectors collect looking for errors on coins, for some it’s about composition, a numerous amount of people look for a particular type of coin, there’s a ton of people that are collecting year collections, a country collection, or a specific subject collection. There's a story behind ever coin collector. People like to collect a type collection, and some for the purpose of wealth. To what extreme will someone go when it comes to collecting coins? How many people will keep collecting until it comes to the point of losing their home? 

Butch started collecting coins when he was a young boy after going to the store with his mom. Holding his moms hand while walking throught the grocery store parking lot, he seen a shiny penny on the ground. His mom stopped and told him, “See a penny pick it up…all the day you’ll have good luck.” He picked up the shiny coin and couldn’t stop staring at it. He felt like he had just found a precious treasure. Being the intelligent, knowledgable, and aspiring person he was, he took coin collecting to another level. He started to research the history of coins. Coin collecting, especially rare coins spoke to him. He loved the detailing and historical significance. Over time this passion turned from a hobby to a necessity. He wanted a promising path to victory foreseen the prosperity with coins.


While dating his wife she encouraged him to never give up on building a collection of coins. “Always follow your intuition and never give up.” She was a brilliant and beautiful woman. A very supportive and inspirational wife that never wanted to see him give up on his dreams. She even turned her sewing room into an office for him to work on his coin collection. As a school teacher she was always wanting to inspire people. So after coming home from work one day she wanted to let her husband know not to ever give up on his dream of finding the rare coins he enjoyed spending time with. She wrote this saying,“Always follow your intuition and never give up.” on to a piece of paper and framed it for him. He hung it above the door of his office so he could look at it every time he walked out his office door.

His office was always kept tidy, everything methodically in its place. His most valued tool, his magnifying glass, was perfectly placed and stood dustless, centered right in the middle of his desk. It had the highest quality lens. Arranged neatly he had tons of reference books systematically placed on a tall long shelf. He had all the tools and back ups to those tools on a clean and organized long desk. Everything from the gloves he used to handle the coins along with coin tongs, to his soft towels and padded trays had their own place. Thoroughly positioned he had his coin cases, coin tubes, display boxes, and albums in top condition. Beautiful coin flips, binders, and the cleaning products for older and circulated tools, he kept everything in its place in this ultra bright room. Most importantly, he kept the framed saying his wife made for him “Always follow your intuition and never give up,” he treasured it and kept it clean and dust free above the door of his office.

When someone like Buck goes to the extreme of having to risk losing his home over his passion for coin collecting, that says a lot about how far good, intelligent, well structured people will go from taking a hobby to try to make a profit off coins.He was intending to find a period collection of coins that would let him retire and put enough money aside for his kids to inherit. He was destined to get his hands on current or past rare coins for profit. This rugged, diligent, hard working man was always consistent in doing things the right way and he held high standards for himself and his family. Butch would go around the house quoting Plato to his son and daughter, “Prefer diligence before idleness, unless you esteem rust above brightness.” Neither of the kids really understood what that meant. When their mom was alive she would tell her kids, “Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” She was quoting Coco Chanel. Nevertheless, both parents were grounding their son and daughter to be hard working and to take risks when it came to following their dreams. They wanted their children to have the wisdom to always think before they spoke. 

Now a widowed parent with two young children, Butch struggled with taking on the role of being a single parent with his son and daughter. He tried not to deal with the grief because he felt he really needed to concentrate on his children’s future. He wanted to have everything ready for their future just in case something happened to him. He wanted to make sure his children were provided for. He’d say to himself, “I have to be proactive. Time is of the essence.” He had to make sure his coin collecting didn’t divert him from his children. He would get up early to work on his coins then he’d make sure the kids were ready for school while he got ready for work. Butch started taking his lunch break at work to work on  increasing his time for his coin collection. One day after they all came home, there was a man standing in their driveway. He told the kids to go into the house. They stared out the window and watched their father speak to this man. They watched as Butch got nervous. He’s hands started shaking and he fidgeted with his clothes, his eyes started to dart around, he refused to make eye contact with the man. It looked as if he was going to fall down as tears watered up in his eyes. He managed to shake the mans hand and hurried to the house. 

Bypassing the kids he went straight into his office and fell on the floor bursting out crying. He looked up to see his wife’s sign above the door. He started talking to his wife as if she were in the room. “You always believed in me. You taught me to believe in myself. Now I’m here and you’re not. There’s a new road I’m about to take, I just don’t know if I can do it though. Time is of the essence and I’m running out of time. I’m falling behind with everything. There’s only one pay check coming in now, there’s no window to move that’s going to keep us financially in check.” He pulled himself together and walked into the living room to talk to his kids. He called his kids over and sat in between them. He spoke with a soft voice, “I’m gonna get right to the point. That man was here because we’re on the way to losing our home.” I want you both to remember, “Prefer diligence before idleness, unless you esteem rust above brightness,” he said as he looked down. He continued on, “I don’t want you guys to worry, I’m gonna take care of this. There might be some changes we have to make, but we can do it if we work at it together. I’m going to have to be more proactive. Working construction isn’t going to be enough to pay for everything. I’m going to take on a part time job. I don’t want to take any time away from being with you guys.” He’s eyes suddenly brightened up. “I think we can spend more time together by going metal detecting to look for coins. Of course that will only be when we have extra time between me working two jobs and you guys with your school work. We’re going to find that diamond in the rough. Time is of the essence.” 

Rather than sell some of his valuables, or down size his home, he exposed himself into spending more of his time with his coin collection. He even got a part time job working as a mechanic to make up for the loss of his wifes pay check. However, he ended up spending that money investing in collecting coins. He’d wake up early and work on his coins, he took his lunch to research more about coins, in between jobs, he would take his kids out to comb the beaches with their metal detectors. They’d also go to some odd places that were unfamiliar to someone that wasn’t hunting for coins. Butch just couldn’t give up, he always had a huntch he was going to find a rare coin. He decided he’d spend more time collecting coins, to the point he quit his second job to spend more of his time on coins. He eagerly had to find one of value that would make him enough money to have something for his kids to inherit in case something happened to him.

He had an instinct that he would find some coin that would be more valuable than his home. He reassured himself that he had some kind of sixth sense that he was going to find a magical coin that would make him a lot of money. He slowly started to spend less time with his kids. He’d tell them, “Time is of the essence. I’m going to get us more money when I find the coin, then we can spend more time together.” While bills pilled up, he just reassured his confidence in his coins. This man that went the extra mile to do the right thing, with his high standards and perfectly combed hair, was now getting sloppy. He went from ironing his plaid flannel shirts to barely putting on a clean shirt. He was so engaged in his coins and so obsessed in finding some rare coin he started looking disheveled and couldn’t get ahold of himself. He spent more and more time in his office, and less and less time with his kids.

The day of awakening finally came. He came home from getting a second out on his house. He went straight to his bedroom. It hit him that she was really gone for good when he sat on the bed starring at her picture on the bedside table. He started talking to her picture. “I just feel like I can’t give up now, but I’ve made a mess of everything. You’d never accept me taking things this far. I’m so ashamed of myself.” He reached for her picture and opened the top drawer of the bedside table. He went to put her picture away and seen some coins his wife picked up here and there over the years for him. He went through a roll of coins and his oversized jaw dropped. Tears came to his eyes, “Thank God, thank God, thank you God!” He yelled. In his hands he held a 1969-S Lincoln Cent double die obverse. It was genuine. That had to be worth $25,000. However, that wasn’t the only valued coin that was in the drawer. Trapped in an air tight case where no air could hit it was a gold dinar. At the bottom of the drawer was a letter from his dead wife, “Always follow your intuition and never give up.” How she came about this other coin nobody knows, but this was a prized Islamic coin and it happed to be a 723 Umayyad gold dinar valued from $3.7 million to $6 million. A rare incident. However, sometimes it pays off to follow your gut, it can lead to luck.

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